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Writer's picture: Duncan HoldbridgeDuncan Holdbridge

The 3rd house turns out to have a very own code about how we should act in the world and know exactly what is correct from what is less correct from a mental and grammatical point of view. The truth is therefore the starting point and the point of arrival of the diatribe that characterizes the mental process that we find within what is a newspaper or television newsroom.

There is undoubtedly an ethics that is increasingly threatened, but which have their roots in the search for an assertive understanding of each of the truths or opinions of the various actors, fidelity to the Sources and their preservation, immense respect for all those who cooperate and that somehow deliver their information that is seen here as truth and that must be respected from the point of view that is presented.

This is the concept of truth that starts from that request that comes from the Heart of each one of that the most intimate way of seeing the world that is personal, that is fractional, but essentially authentic.

After this knowledge of the truth, there is a necessary realization that there are many opinions multiple opinions that are different points of view about the same situation and that they are all right from a certain context and from the culture and understanding of each individual the immense respect for the The individuality of each one wanted, which is why a bond is absolutely essential to respect, this being the second essential point of the code of ethics that we must take into account here and apply permanently.

Since it is at this moment that we can get lost in our own blurring of language that can lead us to amorality or immorality. There is disrespect for the ethical order and it is everything that involves putting the individuality of each other and our brother at the forefront is what are the principles and truths that must be applied to all.

In order to escape precisely this moral rule, one arrives at the balance point which is the permanent dissociation from reality, this third principle has to be applied with the greatest possible care since it is from it that we can commit the greatest abuses since the dissociation it allows us to move from one plane to another, leading our listener to our own perception of truth.

This is often a functional hypocrisy or simply a lie that serves the interest of keeping the other happy with himself and with society in general, but that distances him from the founding Moral principles who defends the truth as the initial principle for communication from the Heart in other words, a non-violent and consequently integral, solidary and, above all, inclusive communication of the human race and the ability to accept others.

It is precisely here that it becomes essential to develop communicational or journalistic responsibility, which essentially involves not serving interests that in any way jeopardize the integrity of the person who transmits the Message.

The Message is never neutral and for that reason it is necessary to make a choice between what pleases the majority and what is correct, to do so it is necessary to be strong enough to be faithful to its values, which have to be values in which the other and what which is correct, comes first.

Even if this implies personal sacrifice, just like in the myth of Castor and Pollux, in which the twin who

was immortal sacrifices his immortality to protect his mortal brother, preferring to stay by his side rather than abandon him to his fate.

This fraternal vision of entrustment to the other essentially implies an ability to nullify ourselves, but also essentially to do what is right, this implies above all not falling into the trap of valueless dissociation, but using that ability by lowering the illusion about ourselves from our own communication skills or what we can do with that communication power on behalf of others and on behalf of what is a greater mission.

Being able to give yourself to your neighbor and through that delivery reveal not the absolute truth because it does not exist, but being faithful to the truth of each one from your point of view using the capacity of integration or dissociation in a positive sense of non-perversion truth or functional hypocrisy, but rather the exploration of various views and opinions based on what non-violent communication is.

That is, from the request of each one making clear the Vision of each one of the parties not trying to make syntheses that sacrifice what is asked for what helps to establish a better social peace because this will involve the personal ego, which always moves away from the ethical responsibility resulting from communicational or journalistic obligations.


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