1) What are the Spiritual Exercises (SEs) of Saint Ignatius of Loyola?
“Spiritual Exercises are understood as any way of examining the conscience, meditating, contemplating, praying vocally or mentally, and other spiritual activities” (Ignatius of Loyola).
It is, therefore, a methodology of spiritual development, proposed by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (Religious Order of Jesuit Fathers and Brothers).
It was first written by Ignatius himself in 1522, reflecting his spiritual experience. Later, it was enriched with his apostolic experience and his intellectual formation (Paris, 1528-1535 and Venice, 1536-1537).
2) What are the Spiritual Exercises for?
The purpose of the EEs can be summarized in three major goals: - to be a “school of prayer”, promoting a deep union with God; - to develop the human and spiritual conditions so that the practitioner can make an important decision in his/her life; - to help the person achieve freedom of spirit, through awareness of the meaning of his/her existence, discerning what leads him/her to a full life.
3) What does “spiritual exercise method” mean?
It means that in the exercises you will not find a treatise, a theory, or even much content. But rather, an exercise plan. Like a physical exercise plan, the material is developed by the person himself/herself, when practicing the exercises. Comparing it to musical exercises, that is, an exercise plan to learn how to play a musical instrument, the beauty of the material lies in the result that practicing the exercises produces. Over time, the performance of the music becomes spontaneous and results in the beauty of the music, its tuning and harmony with the entire orchestra.
4) How to practice the Spiritual Exercises?
The Spiritual Exercises can be practiced in the form of a “SPIRITUAL RETREAT”. In other words, by moving away from your place of life and daily activities, you “retreat” to a place more conducive to meditation. For this purpose, the Society of Jesus and other religious congregations have spiritual retreat houses. Another way to practice the Spiritual Exercises is through “EXERCISES IN DAILY LIFE” (EVC). In this case, without moving away from your daily tasks and retiring to an isolated place, you can do the exercises in your daily life.