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The idea of ​​the vampire who turns against himself, the idea of ​​the one who discovers a way to live with narcissism and transform it into a way of being empathetic, perhaps this is the true essence of the blood of the trinity.

Essentially, it seeks to find the figure of the anti-hero, the one who built himself in the fight against his own dependence, his own addiction, creating a virtue that finds in self-control a control that is simultaneously liberating and creative enough to give a new direction. disorder.

Equally, in a different way, take the myth of Abel and Cain deconstructing the figure of Set, who ends up somehow being the hero of the plot since he is the one who brings the two opposing forces there is a balance.

Also the predominance of female figures and the dark side as a diatribe that affects everyone in the same way, with no innocent ministers since everyone is somehow a vampire.

The very idea that the emotional vampire only exists when there is a culture of self-pity or in some way when one builds a universe out of victimization rather than the positive affirmation of one's inherent qualities.

In any case, this title is always a challenge to move from the mental to the emotional to be able to understand exactly what moves us.



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