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Writer's picture: Pedro LeonardoPedro Leonardo

Based in the idea of the twelve houses of astrology, this is a project of PNL and coaching in order to organize oneslife better in all its dimensions. The idea is to empower throught the self knowledge and pratice of deeds in order to invest in self caring in the twelve areas of live.

These twelve areas are divided in three major sectors of live, relation with oneself, relation with a specific person and coletive relation, or relation with groups or society.

In the first area, relation with oneself, it develops in four shops, body or Gym, resources or Bank, comunication or Editorial and finally emotional control or Kindergarden.

In the second area, relation with the other, the theory develops in other four shops, the afirmation or Stage, the backstage or Hospital, the marridge or the Firm and the emtional superation or the Shrink.

In the third area, superior shops, in theory the skills trained have to do with relation in the comunity, the first shop of this segment can be presented as the diplomacy or the University/Court, the second the art of good manipulation or the Parliment/Parish, the third the revolution or the Guild/Folk power and finally the twelve shop the art of integration in colective conscience, acceptance or the Temple/Transcendence, Church its very different.

There rules for this shops are different but important to accept and its correct use can change forever our way of thinking.


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